Monday, January 21, 2008

TUI restructures online division - no hints at integration plans, but lots of names invovled.

News out late last week (eyefortravel via outlining a new consolidated structure for TUI's various online travel assets. Joan VilĂ  and Wolfgang Bremer will be joint MDs with Joan being solo MD from 2009 of the new division to be called the Online Destination Services (ODS) group.

On the B2C side this is a consolidation of Hotelbeds, Laterooms, Hotelopia and the infamous Asiarooms into one operating group. The article names eleven people involved with managing, running or board observing the business (not including the separate boards for each of the businesses) but gives not a hint of the plans for how to bring these four businesses together (or how they will all be run out of idyllic location of Palma). It seems to me that there are still four platforms, four inventory connections, four marketing plans etc. I suppose you could call one organisation a start but I see a lot of cooks on the list of this online broth and not much a guide as to how the menu will be put together (how's that for a tortured analogy).


Anonymous said...

Why was Asiarooms infamous??

Anonymous said...

Their infamous due to the fact that they came out of a virtual nowhere.

The previous owner was eclectic.