Monday, August 30, 2010

Tnooz: 5 tips for launching a social media strategy

My largest post ever is now live in four parts over at Tnooz. 2,500 words on "5 steps for a travel supplier looking to launch a social media strategy". 5 steps in four parts. Here they are with links to the individual pieces

Critical to this analysis is that it is not until Step 5 that full blown social media content creation is recommended.


Waste Service said...

Thanks for sharing these links ... ... they are clear, helpful and so interesting. Good job!

budget accommodation said...

Great steps. Facebook is a good place to start but there are many and more focused social media services to promote a business.


Small Business Answering service said...

Thanks for sharing this post! Many companies are turning to social media
to improve relationships with customers by providing a better customer experience, and I am also actually using it.

Dan Polymer said...

Great post, Facebook and twitter do have their advantages.